What’s the Difference Between Grooming and Bathing?

Grooming is just a fancy bath, right? Absolutely not! Bathing accomplishes the basic tasks of cleaning your pet's coat and trimming nails and cleaning ears. While a good bath goes a long way, grooming provides those extra measures designed to really pamper your pet. Grooming also provides services not available with a traditional bath. Our groomers can deshed your pet to remove loads of fur from the undercoat. Not only does your pet enjoy the deep brushing and massage, you will enjoy the incredible decrese in the amount of fur your pet will shed.
Grooming also offers special shampoos and scents to give your pet a unique experience.
Yes. A grooming includes a shampoo, condition and blow dry of your pet’s coat as well as a clean cut and styling. To learn more about getting your pet groomed, contact Carolina Ranch Animal Hospital & Resort today.
You do not need to bathe your dog before grooming, as their coat will be shampooed and conditioned in the grooming process. However, if your dog is extra dirty or muddy, it might be a good idea to give them a small bath before bringing them in. We also provide bathing options in addition to our grooming options if you would like to schedule a full bathing and grooming session. Call us today to schedule your dog’s grooming appointment.
It costs $47 to have one dog groomed and $34 for every additional dog grooming. We have altered our grooming options to fit all of your pet’s needs. We offer options for older dogs, cats and special needs pets. To learn more about getting your dog groomed today, give us a call.
The most obvious difference in bathing and grooming is the ability for groomers to cut fur. If your pet is suffering from matting or staining, groomers can trim or shave the affected areas to give your pet relief. Some breeds have standard cuts that help identify them. If you have one of these breeds (Airedale, Poodle, etc.) a groomer will know how to provide these special styles.
If you are wondering if grooming is right for your pet, check with our Customer Care staff during your next visit. It's likely our groomers will be here too, ready to answer any questions you may have.